Sismos em tempo real

Imagem da EQ3D

Existem diferentes plataformas que permitem o acesso a dados de sismos em tempo real. Uma dessas plataformas é a Quakes ( que nos fornece dados sobre os sismos mais recentess. Este website indica a magnitude, localização, data/hora, profundidade a que ocorreu e ainda a fonte de onde são provenientes os dados.

Outra plataforma que nos permite aceder a dados de sismos em tempo real é a Earthquak3D (, também conhecida por EQ3D. Esta plataforma, também de uso gratuito, fornece dados sobre os sismos, ocorridos nos últimos sete dias, como localização e magnitude. A visualização é mais cativante, uma vez que os sismos são marcados num globo tridimensional (imagem acima). No entanto, para aceder a mais dados é necessário instalar a versão completa do EQ3D.

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Conceptualization of hypersituation as result of IoT in Education (presentation)

With the emergence of new technologies and their use in different areas, new experiences emerge. In the context of the use of IoT in educational contexts, the potential of hypersituation has been considered by several authors as the greatest potential of these technologies for this field of study. However, despite several references to this fact, this term still lacks further conceptualization and the drawing of guidelines to achieve it. Thus, this paper aims to present an interpretation and definition of the term hypersituation indicating potentials, challenges and ways to achieve it.

Presented at 5th conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development (SLERD).


Novo artigo em ata: Open IoT technologies in the classroom – A case study on the student’s perception

Novo artigo publicado, desta nas atas da Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação intitulado “Open IoT technologies in the classroom – A case study on the student’s perception”

Abstract — The Internet of Things (IoT) has been perceived by several authors as a technology with a potential impact in educational contexts, highlighting the concept of hypersituation and its didactic potential. This paper presents the main results relating the student’s perception about an IoT based learning environment supported on an IoT device and a set of didactic guides. The IoT device was developed with low cost and open technology. Complementarily to the device development, a visual guidebook was created to facilitate the device construction by teachers and students, even if they do not have prior knowledge about the use of IoT technologies. Along with the device assembly guide, interdisciplinary didactic guides were also developed to be used in learning tasks. The results obtained demonstrate that teens involved in the study expressed a desire to continue to use the device in their classes and that it was a stimulating and facilitating factor for learning.

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Referência completa:

Moreira, F. T., Vairinhos, M., & Ramos, F. (2020). Open IoT technologies in the classroom – A case study on the student’s perception. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2020June.