A Odisseia do Zeca

Capa do livro “A odisseia do Zeca”

“Como já leste, o título deste livro é «A odisseia do Zeca». É provável que não saibas o significado de odisseia. Odisseia é uma viagem cheia de aventuras e de peripécias. E a nossa história é sobre isso mesmo!”

“A odisseia do Zeca” tem lançamento oficial agendado para 14 de maio (em Santa Maria da Feira), mas já se encontra disponível no website da editora Alfarroba.

Neste trabalho, feito com muito amor, as ilustrações primaveris da Sara Martins dão verdadeiramente luz ao texto que retrata as aventuras de um gato, muito especial, numa tarde de verão.

PS: Baseado em factos verídicos

Novo capítulo em Livro

Já se encontra publicado o capítulo “A Contribution to Changing Policies in Four European Countries” (do qual sou coautor) no livro Handbook of Research on Global Education and the Impact of Institutional Policies on Educational Technologies.


Programming is fundamental to the development of computational thinking, one of the essential skills for the 21st century. Tangible programming can be a powerful ally of this process from an early age, especially if it supports STEM tasks areas and inclusion. These are the pillars of the TangIn project, under which four qualitative case studies were developed with the aim of to evaluate the lesson plans designed within the scope of the project and the potential of its implementation for the development of the mentioned dimensions. The statistical and content analysis which the questionnaires applied to 43 teachers from Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria, and Latvia were submitted to conclude that students were always very committed and motivated during activities and developed specific and transversal skills related to STEM, including the ability to program and value colleagues, what contributed to its inclusion, regardless of sex and socio-economic conditions.

Referência Bibliográfica completa

Loureiro, M.J.,  Guerra, C., Cabrita, I., & Moreira, F. T. (2022). Multiple Case Studies About Robotics in Compulsory Education: A Contribution to Changing Policies in Four European Countries. In M. Loureiro, Ana Loureiro, & H. Gerber (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Global Education and the Impact of Institutional Policies on Educational Technologies (pp. 100-129). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/gateway/chapter/291752

Boas leituras!